Natural Health  
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Body-Centered Holistic Practitioners
One of the most popular types of holistic medicine is the different field of medicine associated with physical movement or touch. Holistic practitioners who specialize in body-centered therapy have studied different techniques of manipulating the human body for maximum positive results. Unlike physicians who isolate parts of the body that are experiencing pain or discomfort, holistic... Continue Reading


in person, phone and Skype sessions available
Vancouver, WA
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Change Affects Each of us differently. This may be the time in your life when you want change or it has been thrust into your life involuntarily.... A whole-istic approach is offered, blending left and right brain methodologies. For over 25 years I have assisted companies, families, couples and individuals in realizing their goals, and more importantly, mastering the challenges of Change. I integrate concepts of the Process of Change, Universal Laws, holistic Mind/Body/Spirit philosophies and techniques, Spiritual Emergence experience, and the use of Spiritual/Healing Energy. My counseling assists those going through Change and their healing process; who are stressed, frustrated, fearful and anxious about what their life has become or the uncertainty they are now experiencing. For some ... this is the result of what is referred to as Spiritual Emergence ... for others it may be the time in their life when unresolved issues have built up to a point where they can’t get by any more living life in the same way, or for some ... they have suddenly been thrust into Change and just don’t know how to handle it. Offering holistic counseling/coaching and REIKI sessions. In person (if local), phone and Skype sessions available.


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