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Holistic Practitioners For Beauty
Holistic medicine is increasing in popularity in the Western world as more and more consumers rely on natural products instead of artificially produced items. As the "green" and organic trends sweep across the United States, many consumers are becoming more interested in the concept of holistic medicine and the idea of visiting a holistic practitioner as a way of dealing with commonly... Continue Reading

Mosaic Heart of Healing

333 West 6th Street, Suite 215
San Pedro, CA
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Mosaic Heart of Healing reflects who we are and our daily work to find more of ourselves. A Mosaic is a compilation of pieces, some whole, and some broken, sharp, smooth, narrow and wide. Some pieces are shiny, dull, flat and some even sparkle. As these pieces come together to create an image, a creation, a reflection of beauty. We too are like a Mosaic piecing together ourselves, accepting the sharp edges and smooth corners. We love it when we shine and we are able to reflect all of our self in our daily life and work. Yet when these pieces stand-alone feeling lonely we lose that sense of wholeness and oneness. We are once again faced with accepting all the different shapes and sizes of our self, pulling our self together to create and find wholeness and acceptance of who we are and whom we desire to be. That is what Mosaic Heart of Healing is about. Helping you find those pieces of yourself and creating your own Mosaic of Self. Mosaic Heart of Healing is about providing a more Holistic approach to your daily challenges. Whether you have struggle with the daily stressors of life, poor eating habits, weight gain, insomnia, diagnosed with a Disease or condition that limits your quality of life. Mosaic offers a blend of many of the Complementary Alternative Medicine and Alternative Nutrition. Services offered: Complementary Alternative Medicine Method assessing the problem and blending the use of Aromatherapy, Meditation, Relaxation Techniques, Guided Imagery, Healing Touch, Reiki, Hypnosis, Dream Work. Benefits from the blending of Alternative Therapies: Reduces stress and promotes relaxation Treats the root cause of illnesses Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions Promotes and accelerates the bodies own natural ability to heal Aids in deep, restful, peaceful sleep. Balances the energy centers (Chakras) in the body Strengthens the immune system allowing it to better deal with daily stresses Relieves pain such as headaches, backaches, relaxing the muscles Helps to free from addictions Clears toxins from the body (something of great concern these days) Blending the healing therapies with conventional health practices and medicine is often used in the hospitals to lesson pain and side effects of drugs as well as shorten recovery time. My name is Julie Anne Moore, BSN, RN, PHN, I have been a nurse for the last 20 years, working 15 years in Hospice caring for the sick and dying. I learned to bring great comfort to my patients by using the complimentary alternative medicine including nutritional guidance. I have been a follower of alternative health for over 40 years and value the place it has found in our daily lives. Understanding the effects on our bodies by what we eat is fundamental to our overall health. I look forward to sharing my understanding and providing you with a new path of health living.


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