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Yoga Taught With Professional Holistic Practitioners
Holistic practitioners are individuals who use a holistic approach to medicine and may recommend many alternative treatment methods for dealing with common ailments. One of the most common treatments in holistic medicine is yoga. What is Yoga? Yoga is a holistic method with origins in many Asian cultures. Yoga is usually accompanies by mediation and sometimes uses chanting to achieve a... Continue Reading

A North Shore Dramatic Coach - Phyllis Gildston PhD

275 Middle Neck Road
Great Neck, NY
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(516) 482-4444

Nys lic phd docs profs. Our specialties include abuse, addiction, anger, anxiety, depression, free consult, free consultation, habits, money, ocd, pain, perform, phobia, sex, sleep, smoking, speech & language pathologists, sport, stress, tinnitius, weight and work. We can assist you with abuse, abuse ptsd phobias, add, addiction, addiction depression, addictions, alternative life styles, anger, anorexia, anxiety, bereavement loneliness, birthing, bulimia, career, career confidence, children adolescents, communication & relationship breakdowns , conflict resolution, consultants, amer. soc. of clinical hypnosis , counseling, couples families, cultural differences, cultural relig. issues, divorce, divorce remarriage, eating disorders, family ther, family ther., fears, free batteries checkups, habits, in-laws & other relatives, indiv coupies, indiv couples, individuals self-esteem, infidelity, infidelity anger, lic marriage & family ther., lic marriage & family ther. lic mental health counselor , lic marriage & family there., lip read listen training, loss grief, marriage divorce, nys licensed, ocd, pain, parenting, parenting issues, performance anxiety, ph.d docs profs, phd doctors professors, phobia, ptsd add, sex, sex infidelity money, sexual financial concerns, short term ther., short term therapy, short-term therapy, sleep, smoking, social shyness fears, specialists in communication & relationship breakdowns , speech, sport, stress, substance abuse, tinnitus, tinnitus specialists, tmj, we dispense & repair all brands and weight. Perform, tinnitius, consultant amer. society clin hyp, eat 25 yrs. We've been in business since 1983.


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